Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The IPhone Is Internet Explorer 4 All Over Again

Facebook, Netvibes and Meebo all launched new iPhone-optimized versions of their sites this week and all three of them are very nice, but wasn’t one of the points of the iPhone that it offered “a real web browser?”

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Live Image Search advances

The image search team at Microsoft deserves a day off, the latest release of enhancements really sets Live Search apart from the others. But don't take my word for it, here, try it for yourself. Go ahead and image search "Red Roses" using Live Search, Yahoo! Image Search, and Google Images. I'll wait here....

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Google updates My Maps, Google Talk, and Docs & Spreadsheets

I’m a big Google fan and I love using their vast array of services such as GMail, Maps, Apps for Domain, Docs & Spreadsheets, etc, etc. There are way too many Google services that I use to mention all at once! Anyway, a lot of these services are beta or still fairly new, so it’s a lot of fun to know when there is a big update or feature addition.

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